Friday, March 18, 2011

Recommended Reading

So, here is the list of all the fanfics that everyone submitted on the other handless blog as recommended reading. I have NOT read them all, so if you read one and think it sucks, do not blame me.

My Recommendations
This is just the list of ones that I have read, remember, and know that I specially enjoy. It is not a slight on any other fics/authors here, and if you're seeing something that you consider brilliant on this list, but it's not on my list of recs, that's probably because I have not read it or do not remember it... 

A Month of Sundays by marziipan
The Boyfriend Trilogy by Molly Raesly ("Boyfriend," "Fiancee," "Pregnant")
The works of EHWIES (particularly "Through a Glass Darkly")
Kiss and Tell by SunshineDaisies0821
Haggis From Algernon by Rude Gus
Dorm Room by Rabiscar
The works of charmingly-holly including and especially, "Redundancy" and "Redundancy Revamped" (one-shots) and Newton Knows Best
The works of Pantz (one-shots)
The works of koonelli, particularly "The Platform" (one-shot)
The works of GhostofBambi
The Letter J by Molly Raesly (one-shot)
You Picked Me by bree msrachelberry (one-shot)
Three Hundred and Sixty-Five by thatchesirecat
Thrice by lyin'
Tired by Instant of Insanity
The writing of Procrastinator-starting2moro
1978 by KittyEast (one-shot)
The Hogwarts Soft Core Erotica Business by BadGirlwithsomeRetroSneakers (one-shot)
The works of Franklet (one-shots Perfect Match and Sobs and Slugs spring immediately to mind)
The History of a Shower Stall by Queen Nightingale (one-shot)

Highly Recommended
Stories that are fanfic!famous, with a good reputation, or else are frequently recommended on our various Recommend-a-Fanfic Threads
Commentarius by B.C Daily
Before the Fawn by andelyn kinsey
Every Other Midnight by Kathryn's NomDePlume
The Shoebox Project by ladyjaida and dorkorific
Obsessive Lily Disorder by procrastinator-starting2moro (and sequel: You Give Me Heart Palpitations)
Resolution by WeasleyWannabe
Stray by Molly Raesly
Hostage by Molly Raesly
Striptease by DisorderlyandPunk (one-shot smut)
Coercion and Competition by B.C Daily (one-shot smut)
A Change by B.C Daily (one-shot)
Life Shouldn't Be Mutable by done.with.marblesxx
A Pick-Up Line A Day Keeps Lily Evans Away by fairytalefantastistx3
Revenge by Molly Raesly
Glimpse by tasha27
The Bewitchment of James Potter by Luna-Elentari
The Curtain Call by Amelia Bedelia (AU)
The Art of Successfully Dating a Quidditch Player by DisorderlyandPunk
A Different View on Love by merlinhelz (body switch)
The Devil Wears Quidditch Gear by HeyLookTheSnitch
Of Raindrops, Flowers, and Wishing Wells by Potted Lilies (Rewrite available here)
Selfish and Wrong by LikeAVision (one-shot)
Beautiful by Queen Nightingale (one-shot)
Stupid Boys by Queen Nightingale (actually, just the works of this author in general)
Jealousy by tasha27 (one-shot)

Other Recommendations
Stories I hear lovely things about.
I Love You This Much by monroeslittle
To Live Nobly by cgner (AU one-shot)
Wind and Waves by Hero of the Castle of Marble (pirate AU)
Pursuing Lily Evans by ohsnap its potter
Deflating by bluebottlebutterfly
Stalking Lily Evans also by bluebottlebutterfly

The works of Kerichi (primarily non-L/J)
Priori Incantatem by fellytone
Airplane! by LilyPrincess (AU)
You Want to Make a Memory by enitsirk
A Right Royal Mixup by Lily Itriwi
He Wasn't All Bad by Amelia Bedelia (one-shot)
Golden Skin by Nielm (one-shot)
Oh Dear by FalseImagination (one-shot)

This list is incomplete; there are more recommendations to be added, probably in all categories, but I am taking a break and shall post this so that you all can peruse that which you have not read. Feel free to comment with further recommendations! (Although, bare in mind, I have your previous recommendations still, so if you are certain you have already posted them, there isn't any need to post them again)

UPDATED 3/21: still incomplete, but a longer list.
